Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Big Boy Week

This has been a very big week for our little man....

Our trial run for Logan's Valentines

Marshmallow Love Bugs!

Painting his treasure box

This is why we usually paint with vanilla pudding.
This was NOT vanilla pudding... after taking this picture, Logan licked his hand.
Clean up was extra fun. :)

Our self-proclaimed "Super-Loge!"

Bum da da dum bum da dum.......
We decided that it was about time for Logan to get a big boy bed,  and after searching KSL forever, I found a better deal on Amazon... Hooray!  He has successfully had 2 naps and one full night sleep in it.  His Buzz Lightyear bedding is on the way. :)  He was so excited this morning when he woke up... he ran in to us, shouting, "I didn't sleep!  I didn't sleep in my bed.  I slept in my BIG BOY BED!"  He was so proud. :)

Logan also decided, quite randomly, that he wanted to only go potty on the potty this week.  He watched Ryley, walked upstairs to me, and informed me that he needed to go.  So I put him on the potty, and he peed.... and then pooped!  I know, TMI, but this was the first time EVER for number two.  For some reason, until this week, Logan had a really hard time with the whole pooping-while-sitting-down thing.  But now he does it.  And we are almost completely done with diapers.  I'm still just a little terrified for grocery shopping without one. :)
Here Logan is modeling his big boy undies the only way I could get him to... sticking his tushi out the door of his tent.

Logan playing with his Daddy.
Some fun things Logan has said this week...

Me:  Logan, please come pick up your toys.
Logan: I can't
Me: Why not?
Logan: I have to do my homework.


Logan: I don't want to be in my home!
Ryley: Well then, where do you want to be?
Logan: Paris

We have no idea where he even learned about Paris.  Little Einsteins, maybe?

1 comment:

  1. We love Little Einsteins - it's the best! Logan is taking some huge steps!! A big boy bed and potty trained? You're super momma! That picture of Logan with the paintbrush cracked me up - I think half of my childhood pictures I was making that face.
