Monday, January 30, 2012

Swimming and Balloon Animals

Here's some of what we have been up to this month:

I ordered this cute little lacy outfit from groopdealz, just in case I ever have a girl. :)  It was a really good deal, so I figured that even if I don't use it for a good number of years, it was worth it.  Little did I know that I would get my money's worth that very day....  Logan found it, put it on, and declared himself "an elf."  

He's kind of a little ham....

Logan loves to sing... these are two of his favorite songs.  He loves to belt out "I am a Child of God" in the middle of the grocery store, at the pool, in sacrament meeting..... anywhere it echoes, really.  The second song is "Baby Mine" from Dumbo.  He always wants it sang to him whenever he is sad or hurt.  He likes to bonk me on the head now, cradle my head in his hands, and sing this song to me.  It's so cute that I can't even get mad at him for bonking my head. :)

We were bored the other day, so we got out the felt and the glue gun and made the three little pigs and the big bad wolf. Logan has some sort of weird fascination with eyeballs, and loves to pour out my stash and roll in it.  He didn't notice the eyes stuck to the side of his face for almost two hours.... much to my entertainment.

His three little pigs and the big bad wolf.  He loves this story, but always lectures (and then usually throws) the big bad wolf, because, "we don't blow down other people's houses.  It's not nice, and it's dangerous."

This past Saturday we got to see the Thatcher family!  It was so good to catch up with them, and made us really miss our little basement apartment when we lived right across the street from them.  Their little girls are growing up so fast, and Logan has been asking about Anne and Rachel ever since they left. :)

We are absolutely loving our gym pass.... and Logan is turning into a fish!  A week ago he wouldn't let go of Ry or me, even while wearing arm floaties.  Now he won't let us touch him.  He swims until his lips turn blue, and then his mean mom and dad make him get out.  He always tries to convince us that his lips really aren't blue, but his little chattering voice usually gives him away. :)

I am pretty sure that I have spent more time on this picture than the whole rest of the blog combined... and for some reason I still can't get it to rotate. :)  Oh well.  Anyway, here is a shot of my super handsome guy working on one of our new hobbies... making balloon animals! :)  I bought some long skinny balloons for a craft I'm doing, and Ry started playing around.  Soon he realized that balloon animals are actually not hard at all, and Logan has been thrilled with all the dogs, bunnies, swords, and turtles that have been created.  :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Silly Ways of Logan...

Logan is definitely the funniest kid I have ever met.  I am so blessed to get to stay home with him.  How many moms actually miss their kids during their naps?  He is my best little buddy...and I just love being around him.  Here are some of the things he is into right now.

  • Logan speaks like a normal human now.  Full sentences, adjectives, nouns and verbs.... mostly in the right places.  
  • He knows just about every primary song and nursery rhyme, and will sing them constantly throughout the day.  
  • He also loves reading, and has several of his books memorized.  It's pretty entertaining to watch him silently (or not so silently) mouth the words as you read to him at night.
  • Logan has the most amazing imagination.  We are constantly under attack at our house, by blue monsters, pirates, backsons (from Winnie the Pooh), or aliens.  Logan always leads the counter-attack (with one of his handy golf clubs).  One of his favorite games is stealing baby monsters from their mommy's.  Whenever he comes running at me with a frantic, maniacal look on his face while cupping his hands, I know that he has succeeded in his quest.  The rest of the day we spend fighting back the mommy monsters who want their fluffy baby's back.  I have no idea where he got any of this.  Such a crazy kid.
  • He also has 3 imaginary? friends.  One's name is Bobby, and he is a regular companion.  Every once in a while a girl friend makes an appearance.  And lately, "a boy named Jack" has been showing up around the house.
  • Logan is an amazing chef, and is always making me yummy things in his kitchen.... unfortunately, sometimes I find that he has taken the lid off whatever drink he has that day, and used the contents in his "soups" or "noodles" or "cake."  He has also gotten into my flour once or twice.... which is always extra fun to get out of a play kitchen set's cracks.
  • Logan can count to ten easily, and to twenty if you don't mind him skipping over 17.  He can count anything you put in front of him, and will usually do it all by himself.  Whenever he has his toys out (or candy/cereal/etc.) he will line them all up, and proudly count them over and over again.
  • He also knows his ABC's song, and is slowly learning the letters.  Whenever he sees letters he asks, "what's those letters say, mommy?"  
  • He watched the show "Super Y" at Grandma's house, and now whenever he is excited he pumps his fist and yells, "The power to read!"
  • Whenever he sees a set of scriptures, he yells, "My power!", and then proceeds to sing the "Scripture Power" song.
  • He loves nursery, and it is now actually harder to get him out of the nursery room than it is to put him in.
  • He can say his own little prayers, and it always cracks me up when he uses the phrase, "We are so grateful for....."  Ry and I must say that a lot.
  • Last week we watched "The Little Rascals" as a family.  A few days ago, Ryley was studying, and Logan wanted to play.  He took me by the hand, led me into his room, and gave me one of his golf clubs.  He grabbed one too.  I thought he wanted to fight, like he usually does.  I said, "On guard!"  Logan looked at me, said, "come on you on guard."  I followed him into Ry's study room, where Logan started waving his club around and shouting, "Choose or Die!"  It took a second for us to get it, but when we did, we definitely had to choose Logan. :)  He must have been relating to Spanky.  He wanted Ryley, and Ryley was choosing homework (Darla). :)  
  • We also bit the bullet today and bought a pass to the rec center here.  Logan is a fish, and loves the pool. Maybe now I wont constantly be asked when bath time is. :)  That kid could live in the bath.  He loves his "wrinkly fingers", and is always sure that those naughty backsons are going to steal them away... which they somehow always manage to do, no matter how carefully he hides them. :)

There are about a million other stories to tell about this crazy kid of ours, but Ry needs the computer now to study, so I will have to write more later.  
Happy Tuesday!

Christmas Break

So.... I am way behind in posting... :)

Happy New Year!
Christmas Break for us consisted of driving to Boise, driving to Sandy, OR, driving to Ely, and driving back home.  The driving part I could have done without, but it was so wonderful to be able to see family!  We are so blessed to have such amazing families who so thoroughly spoiled us.   

Logan was actually pretty good in the car.  He entertained himself with stickers, movies,  silly putty, and stories.    However, I think we completely traumatized him with the 32 hour trip, because he now throws a massive fit every time we go near the car.  :)

Unfortunately, this wonderful sight only happened for a total of 20 minutes out of approximately 32 hours of driving...

In Oregon, Ry's parents took us to OMSI to see Body Worlds,  which was amazing.   I wish my anatomy classes would have had some of those dissections!   Logan really liked the rest of OMSI....

Ry and Logie playing at OMSI's physical science center

Logan's favorite part... the sandbox

More sand

Logan and Zoa in the sandbox

One of Logan's gifts for Grandma and Grandpa Enz.  He loves them so much!

While in Oregon we got to meet our new niece.. Mable!  She is such a sweetheart, and Logan absolutely loved helping out with her.  He affectionately refers to her as "Baby Nabel" :)

On our way to Ely from Oregon we took a break at a hotel and splurged a little bit to get a jacuzzi in our room.  Logan absolutely loved the bubbles that it made!  

Happy, little, naked man. :) 

Daddy and Logan in his cool muscleman swimsuit. 

Logan in Ely... He was absolutely in Heaven with all his aunts and uncles showering constant attention on him!

On Christmas morning Logan woke up with a high fever (he caught my cold), but Tylenol fixed him up pretty quick. :)

Logan's present from Santa... a jumpolene.  He loves this thing so much, and I am still trying to figure out where to put this massive thing.  Right now it is taking over Ry's study area. 

While in Ely we chopped lots of wood for Great Grandpa Poulsen.  Logan was a big helper. :)

We also headed out to cave lake to roast marshmallows.

My crazy husband and two of my silly sisters. :)

Logan crashed a little bit early on New Year's Eve, but woke up to blow his horn and celebrate the arrival of 2012!

Logan and Aydan bringing in the new year.