Friday, January 22, 2010

More Logie

Logan is growing up so fast! Thought I'd post a couple pictures to keep you updated...


Yeah baths!
Nowadays, Ry and I are usually just as wet as Logan after his bath...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Sorry its been so long! Logan is almost 12 weeks old, weighs 13 lbs, and is 24.5 inches long. He now lifts his head and chest off the ground like a champ and smiles all the time. :) He just had his shots, and his sleeping schedule has gone crazy again, which makes getting to class interesting. We had a great holiday season with both families and are now back to missing them all like crazy. Now that classes have started, life is crazier then it has ever been! But, its also better then it has ever been. Sorry this is so short; I'm currently typing with my left hand because there is a little man occupying my right arm.

Our little man is so strong!

Drooly kid
So big

Aydan and Logan

Big guy
Yeah for Christmas!
Sweet Baby