Sunday, January 16, 2011

What a nut!

 So, Ry and I have officially decided that we have the silliest little boy that has ever lived. He is such a little ham!  I'll let the pictures explain...

Ok, so this isn't him being silly, but I just love that face so much!

Logan's saggy diaper.  He really liked how it would sway back and forth when he ran.  He thought he was hilarious, which he was, and got very upset when it finally fell off him completely. 

This is one of his new looks.  We get it whenever he think's he's being clever.  Which is pretty much all the time.  I'm slightly worried that his eye might get stuck like that...

Reading stories before bedtime. :)

When I want to bug Ry I tell Logan to go tickle his toes.  It's really cute, actually, and he was on his way to do this when I snapped this picture.

So many teeth!  He now has 6 up top, with 2 more coming, and 4 on the bottom, with 4 more on their way.

As a side note, I would like to put out a warning to all those who will be treated by Ryley in the early morning or late night during his first year of rotations... This is what happened to the glass door on my TV stand at 6 in the morning when Ry ran into it on his way to get Logan some food.  Right before this happened I watched him run into the wall next to the door in our room, trying to get out of the door, 3 times.  I love my man so much! :)

Logan loves his raviolies...

Logan helped me make a cheesecake last Friday.  The Crisco got taken away after  I noticed that he was taking big mouthfuls of it.  I guess that's one way to pack the fat onto my skinny little boy. :)

He liked to dip the spoon into the crisco, then into my leftover graham cracker crumbs, and then suck it all off.

The spoon apparently wasn't doing a good enough job.

You should have seen the floor....

Logan the amazing somersaulter.....  

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Holidays

The Holiday Season this year was wonderful!  We were blessed to be able to spend time with both sides of the family, and we were completely spoiled by everyone!  Ryley did great on all of his Med school finals, so he was able to relax over the break.. it was so nice to have my husband back! :)  We were able to spend Christmas in Ely and New years in Idaho with Ry's family.  Logan was completely thrilled by all his presents.  Throughout Christmas morning I kept hearing "Oh wow!" and "Oh boy" from my silly little man.  Every time he wakes up in the morning, or from his nap, it is like it's Christmas morning all over again!  There were so many things that happened over the past month or so, that I will let the pictures tell the stories... As for now we are just happy to be back at home, sleeping in our own beds and spending these last few quiet hours together before school starts up again...

The Festival of Trees was amazing!  This is the MSA tree that I helped make decorations for.

Logan eating the buttons off of a snowman at the Festival of Trees.

A very impressive Gingerbread House at the Festival of Trees.

Logan at Zoo Lights


Logan saw Santa twice... once at Zoo lights (shown here) and the other at the mall.  He didn't think very much of him either time....

Logie bundled up for the lights at Temple Square

Jess, Cam, and Logie in front of the Christus at Temple Square.

Temple Square

Temple Square

Christmas Morning with his "Mater" truck

Playing the drums

Playing with soap crayons in the bath with Uncle Aydan

Mom apparently had too much fun with the bath foam. :)

Aydan, Kassi, Mandi, Logan, Jessi, Cammi
This was supposed to just be a picture of the sisters, but Aydan and Logan jumped in at the last minute. :)

Logan in Swan Valley, Idaho

It was soooo cold here!  

But also SOOO pretty!

At the cabin in his new Jammies from Uncle Chad and Aunt Chelsey!

"World Famous Square Ice Cream" from Swan Valley

Zoa enjoyed some too. :)

Brain Freeze!