I have been looking forward to October for months. Our little family has so many memories associated with this month, from Ry's and my first date to the birth of our little boy. Fall also happens to be my favorite season. And I like Halloween. :) And now its over. October is over! I am convinced that the older I get, the faster time goes by. Anyway, here is how our Halloween went...
I knew what Logan was going to be for Halloween months before it actually happened. :) This is because Logan actually transforms into a lion for a large majority of every day. I haven't needed a gym for a while because most of my day is spent running away from the growling, biting little lion. The rest of my day is spent being the "mommy lion" that I am constantly asked to be. Which also consists of lots of exercise. :) |
Logan somehow managed to go trick or treating 3 separate times. We have so. much. candy. Here he is at Boo at the Zoo with his cute little buddy Benji. They are munching on Doritos, :) |
So stinking cute. :) Logan has always liked to chase Benji around, and it was pretty fun watching the giggling little lion terrorize the giggling little monkey. :) |
Every time Logan would catch a glimpse of himself in the mirror he would start growling. The credit for this way cute costume goes to my amazing mom, who made it years ago for my little sister. Yeah for a super easy, free, and way cute costume! Thanks mom! |
We also went trick or treating at our Foothill Shopping Center, where just about every store was decorated and giving out candy. Later that night we went trick or treating in our neighborhood. JACKPOT. Almost every single house was giving out FULL SIZED CANDY BARS!!! We couldn't believe it. And we knew everyone, because they are all in our ward, so they would usually give Ry and I candy too. Logan would usually get double, because he was such a cute little lion. :) I don't know that I've ever seen so many big candy bars in my life. Which I promptly finished off while watching Ry play two old man flag football games that night. Which are WAY too intense for flag football... and way too freezing and went way too late. I'm talking ejections and hospital visits, 35 degrees, and 11pm. But it was way fun cheering on my cute husband and hearing Logan yell, "Go daddy! Touchdown!" And by the way, the Gangrene Gang ( 2nd year med students) won the U of U flag football championship. Way to go! ;) |
Here is part of our Halloween dinner... Mummy dogs, and noodles with mold sauce (alfredo sauce dyed green) . We had monster blood (cranberry grape juice) too, but it didn't make it into the picture. I really wanted to make some jello worms, but ran out of time. All this food... and actually about 90% of all our recipes, comes from the amazing site Melskitchencafe.com. So yummy! And that candy is just from ONE of our trick or treating outings.... |
Mummy dogs. :) |
This morning we woke up to THIS! |
It was so quiet and peaceful. I love when it snows. |
Our big sledder. :) |
Right now our little family is cuddling in our warm living room, munching on super yummy homemade Autumn Minestrone Soup (also from Mels), and watching the football game between LSU and Alabama (since our Cougars don't play this weekend). We've got chocolate ice cream in the freezer, and I'm pretty sure life doesn't get much sweeter than this, even with the minor breakdowns due to a toddler in the midst of potty training. Actually, especially with. :) We are truly blessed.