38.5 Weeks
So, it seems that fall has finally decided to arrive...Yeah! Ry and I went for a nice long fall walk today after listening to General Conference, and we collected a whole bunch of leaves and berries for me to construct into something. Conference was amazing and uplifting, as usual. We got to spend some time with Kayla, Aaron, and Ashlee this weekend, and played a way fun game called Imagine If... On Friday I had to go to a luncheon with the people who donated the money for the ORCA grant I recieved. It was way fancy... too many plates, forks, and cups for me. Good food though. Cancer research is going well, and we think that we almost have Ryley's ORCA project finished up. Statistically significant data too! Yeah again! Mine is still having issues with stubborn antibodies. Oh well... We also got to see Natalie on Friday, my long time friend from preschool. It was a lot of fun catching up with her. Our last childbirth class also occured on Friday (very busy day), and now we are just playing the waiting game with Logan. As of last Tuesday I was one centimeter dilated, and my next appointment is on Thursday. I had some pretty good sized, but non painful, contractions, every six minutes, for about 3 hours today. But then they went away, and we are now breathing easier. :) Ryley told Logan that he's not allowed to come until his Biochemistry test is over with on Friday. We'll see how well this little boy listens. :) That's about all the updates for now, I'll post more after our next appointment.