Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas Break

So.... I am way behind in posting... :)

Happy New Year!
Christmas Break for us consisted of driving to Boise, driving to Sandy, OR, driving to Ely, and driving back home.  The driving part I could have done without, but it was so wonderful to be able to see family!  We are so blessed to have such amazing families who so thoroughly spoiled us.   

Logan was actually pretty good in the car.  He entertained himself with stickers, movies,  silly putty, and stories.    However, I think we completely traumatized him with the 32 hour trip, because he now throws a massive fit every time we go near the car.  :)

Unfortunately, this wonderful sight only happened for a total of 20 minutes out of approximately 32 hours of driving...

In Oregon, Ry's parents took us to OMSI to see Body Worlds,  which was amazing.   I wish my anatomy classes would have had some of those dissections!   Logan really liked the rest of OMSI....

Ry and Logie playing at OMSI's physical science center

Logan's favorite part... the sandbox

More sand

Logan and Zoa in the sandbox

One of Logan's gifts for Grandma and Grandpa Enz.  He loves them so much!

While in Oregon we got to meet our new niece.. Mable!  She is such a sweetheart, and Logan absolutely loved helping out with her.  He affectionately refers to her as "Baby Nabel" :)

On our way to Ely from Oregon we took a break at a hotel and splurged a little bit to get a jacuzzi in our room.  Logan absolutely loved the bubbles that it made!  

Happy, little, naked man. :) 

Daddy and Logan in his cool muscleman swimsuit. 

Logan in Ely... He was absolutely in Heaven with all his aunts and uncles showering constant attention on him!

On Christmas morning Logan woke up with a high fever (he caught my cold), but Tylenol fixed him up pretty quick. :)

Logan's present from Santa... a jumpolene.  He loves this thing so much, and I am still trying to figure out where to put this massive thing.  Right now it is taking over Ry's study area. 

While in Ely we chopped lots of wood for Great Grandpa Poulsen.  Logan was a big helper. :)

We also headed out to cave lake to roast marshmallows.

My crazy husband and two of my silly sisters. :)

Logan crashed a little bit early on New Year's Eve, but woke up to blow his horn and celebrate the arrival of 2012!

Logan and Aydan bringing in the new year.

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