Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Vacuuming and Temple Square

A quick update with some pictures, because Logan is just that cute... :)

While Ryley and I were busy talking to our families on Sunday, Logan filled our water bottles up with dirt from our house plants and dumped them out on the TV stand.  Ryley actually watched him do it.... and didn't stop him.  Oh boys.
Here he is cleaning up his mess.

I really am sorry about all of the naked photos recently, but Logan knows how to get his clothes off and takes them off at every opportunity.  

Reading his dinosaur book and paying with stickers.  

At temple square!

Logan was so much fun this year.  He wanted to see every color of lights up close, and ran to every nativity.  He loved watching the big, narrated nativity, and sang along with the angels. :)  He sings along with everything now, even if he doesn't know the words, and he will read stories along with us, mumbling the words if he doesn't know them.  But he memorizes books after reading them once, so usually he knows the words. :)

The Salt Lake Temple

My handsome, freezing guys. :)

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