Friday, December 9, 2011

Thanksgiving and December

I've decided that the holidays are much more fun when you have a two year old.  Watching Logan's eyes light up with every tradition we begin fills me with joy, and every day I realize more and more how blessed I am to have my sweet husband and silly little man.  Here is some of what we have been up to...

For Thanksgiving we headed to Ely and gained a good amount of weight on all the wonderful food there!  And, following tradition, we cut down our tree there.  I love the smell of pine so much that I'm pretty sure I'm completely against fake trees.

Riding in the back of the truck with the trees.

It was so warm in Ely over Thanksgiving!  Logan and Aydan spent many hours wearing each other out in my parent's backyard.

Ok, I know this isn't censored, but this picture just kills me.  Logan is now in a stage where he refuses to wear clothes...  apparently stickers don't bother him though. :)

Logan is also obsessed with caterpillars.  He make us wrap him up like this (in his cocoon) and then he unwraps the blanket and flaps his "beautiful butterfly" wings. :)

And, like a good son, he regularly cheers for BYU. Even when we are not watching a game. 

Logan making ornaments


My really silly guys

At Zoo Lights... so cold, but so worth it!

Logan did much better with Santa this year.  He stayed on his lap a whole30 seconds before escaping.  Santa was really great, and let Logan play with all the cool things on his suit to try and get him to talk to him. This year Logan asked Santa for a jumpolene. :)

The escaping Logan

Logan's first churro

Our frozen faces. :)  Just look at how handsome my husband is.  I am so glad that he was able to come with us, seeing as how it is his crazy-medical-school-finals week. 

Logan's favorite zoo light.  He regularly come up to me and tells me, "Mom, I'm a crocodile!"  He also transforms into a Back-son, Pirate, Lion, Dragon, and Vampire throughout the day.  

Santa's Reindeer

Ignore my creepy frozen face... I just love Logan's smile in this one.

I probably won't get around to posting again until after the holidays, so  Merry Christmas everyone!

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