Sunday, February 19, 2012

Our week

The Big Brother.....
is just a little bit of a nut. 
Here he is on Valentine's night... apparently the fruit and other sweets for dipping into the chocolate fondue weren't good enough for Logan. :)
After this picture was taken he began smearing the chocolate all over himself.  Unfortunately, I was a bit too busy trying to keep him from smearing chocolate all over the house to get a picture of it.

Here is the man on his big boy "Buzz Lightyear" bed.  Logan picked out the bedding himself... Walmart had a clearance section.  I was hoping he would go with something a little more neutral, but once he saw Buzz, that was it. :)  He has successfully slept in this bed for over a week... Hooray!  Despite the fact that he climbs on everything, he never figured out how to get out of his crib, so it is a nice surprise every morning to wake up to his little face inches away from mine.

While nighttime sleeping has been great, nap times have almost disappeared. :(  We still put him in his room for about an hour.... today Ryley looked in and found him riding his Tow Mater truck on top of his bed while waving a golf club around.  I would love to be able to read his mind!

Logan's preferred outfit.  He loves to "save the day" with the "power to read!" 

Some other fun things Logan has said this week:

After a fun Saturday together, we were all cuddled up on the couch together watching a movie.  Logan looked up at us, grinned, and said, "My happily ever after!"  Me too, bud, me too.

We were watching "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" when the dragon scene came on.  Logan was fascinated, and when Harry Potter fell off his broom and was hanging off the tower as the dragon looked for him, Logan shouted, "Harry Potter needs his mommy!"  I like to think that my son sees me as someone who can save him from dragons. :)

When I gave Logan his chocolate milk this morning, he took a big drink, looked up at me, and said, "You make me so happy!"

As for our little girl, she is a mover and a shaker!  I have actually been able to feel her moving since about week 15, and Ryley has been able to watch my belly move around since week 18.  Maybe she will take after me and be a soccer player! :)

Ry's doing great with school, and we are way excited that this is a three day weekend.  Hooray for extra family time!  

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